Standing almost 2 metres tall and 'swimming in' at almost 3 metres long, our newest character is the biggest 'scoot-about' puppet we've ever made! The aptly named 'Leafy' made his first public appearance this August bank holiday weekend at West End Parade in our hometown of Plymouth, Devon. Accompanied by collaborative artists Samantha & Lilly Webb, Cara Whitfield-Smith, Rebecca Trim and our Creative Director Clare at Leafy's 'Helm', the new character was a huge hit with the crowds who really enjoyed his textural appearance and environmentally friendly message (showcasing sustainable puppet making from scavenged materials).
The team had the most fun dancing in the rain with all the other wonderful parade performers and watching everyone's reactions when Leafy blew his magical 'surprise' bubbles as he swam past and interacted with the crowds! Upping the fun stakes were Leafy's puppet friends, a giant purple Jellyfish - made from a recycled umbrella, a fluffy pink sea slug named 'sluggie', an ethereal white jellyfish on a long rod, and an allegedly adorable shiny pink eel called 'Eli'.